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Monday, August 22, 2016

Back To School!

If you know E and K, you know we like to have fun while teaching and we like out students to have fun while learning. So, we designed a few things that help us have fun in our classrooms that are perfect for back to school. We bundled it all together to make it a little more fun because who doesn't like a bundle?

All of these things have little to no prep because we know how busy the school year can get. 

Here's what's in the bundle:

Thinking Maps- This is one of our top selling items in our store. So of course we had to include it! Thinking Maps are a great way for your students to organize and show their thinking. This activity practices all the thinking maps to create a book that is all about your students. Each student will have their own book. 

My favorite part of this activity is the final part! The students get to do their first research project about their classmate. They are responsible for reading a classmates book, doing further research with  an interview, and then they create a poster about their findings. They can present this to the class and BAM! Within the first few weeks, you have introduced, and practiced, all of the thinking maps, done research, and an oral report. Bonus, you all know each other a little better now. 

If you have Back to School Night or Meet the Teacher after school starts, this is a perfect thing to put out on student desks and keep parents busy while people are coming in. 

You can repeat this activity at the end of the year and see what changes have happened. 

We have included both the upper and lower grade versions in the bundle. 

Show and Tell: We know that kids love to share! Especially in the beginning of the year. They all have something to tell you and their friends. ALL THE TIME. So let's get it organized. This helps get your kids thinking of themes of their sharing and helps focus what discussions can come out of your sharing time. Bonus, it cuts down on the random, "I brought this from home, can I share it." Because everyone knows their time and their day to share. 

Birthday Book: What do you do to celebrate birthdays in your class? Get it sorted before school even starts! 

This is an easy thing to prep and put in your files. Each birthday, pull out the homework passes (pre-printed) and the pages you need to celebrate. I put each kid in front of the class, we sing happy birthday, and then we talk about them. We ask questions and gather information. Then, students write a quick message to the birthday kid. I give each one a post it and under the post it, they draw a gift they think the child would like. It's fun, gets the kids thinking about others, and best of all, they write!   Every kid walks away with a birthday book that is all about them and is full of kindness. 
I usually use some washi tape to bind it all together. 

Word Book: While we're talking about writing, let's get that ready too. Print out this word book for each student to use as a reference as they are writing. It is organized in ABC order, and has extra space for you to write in things they need spelled that aren't included.  This cuts out a lot of hand raising and questions. That way, while they are writing, you can do more meaningful things than spell words. 

Name Plates: Once you finally get your class list, quickly type their names into these and you'll be set. You can easily change them for kids like Timothy, who wants to be called Matt (seriously?!?). And, when new students come, no problem, just print a new one.

Includes two different versions in there so you can find the one that is right for your students and grade level.  

We hope you all have a fabulous start to your school year and that you have fun! Happy teaching!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Classroom Management

Classroom management can be tricky and it is something you want to establish right away. Routines and clear expectations is what helps the students thrive for the school year. And helps keep you sane!

I have tried a bunch of different ways of addressing misbehavior. I LOVE the idea of positive reinforcement and reteaching. That is my first form of action, however there are times when there are students who continue with "those behaviors."

 I am not a fan of publicly announcing the same child over and over for their misbehavior by having them flip their card, writing their name on the board and then checkmarks, or clipping the child down, down, down. But the clip chart is good for having chances and being able to get back to that behavior we all want. So I made the Personal Behavior Clip Chart that goes on the student's desk.

I have them clip up or down through the day. Other kids do not know and it is on visual to most. Also, you can give it and take it away. Simple as that. It is a good reminder for the kids who need it and it does not need to be your whole system for the whole class (when most don't need it).

Check it out here by clicking on the picture: It is FREE!

Happy Teaching!