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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Do you GoNoodle?

Spring Fever has hit my class hard. It happens every year. Kids forget the rules, they talk nonstop, and they wiggle. But they are also able to do so's simply amazing. So to harness that Spring Fever energy, we use GoNoodle.

For those of you who don't know, GoNoodle is a website that has kid friendly and safe brain breaks. Most are about 2-5 minutes. Some are shorter some are longer. Each video you and your kids do they earn credit toward their Champ. For every ten, the champ changes and get stronger. The kids absolutely love it.

When we GoNoodle:
Transition Time...Switching from Phonics to Writing?

Rewards...Everyone made their goal? We all have really clean desks? You get the picture.

Spring Shower Rainy Days? Indoor recess just got easier? Thanks GoNoodle!

Give it a shot if you haven't yet. Click here to sign up

100 Follower GIVEAWAY!

Pin this image for one way to enter the raffle.
Teacher Appreciation kicks off tomorrow and we are so THANKFUL!!! for YOU and all the amazing teachers we have been so lucky to get to know. And...we appreciate those of you have already followed us on our TPT journey.

About a year ago we started our TPT journey. We loved working together and thought we would put what we worked on out there for other people. We hoped it would be able to help other teachers and other kids. WE are so honored to have 100 people following along with our journey in our TPT store, and many more on Facebook and Instagram!

We thought we would spread the love we feel with a giveaway. Free stuff! You get to pick it! Use the raffle form below to enter. Good luck and happy teaching!

a Rafflecopter giveaway